Tuesday, June 7, 2011

sayings for broken hearts

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  • chanduv23
    01-31 12:36 PM
    Who is United Nations? From your views, it seems like United Nations is a pretty strong asset. Please post more information.

    he is extremely knowledgable person in terms of immigration, he has 5000+ posts on immigration forums and has helped countless people with immigration issues. His name seems to be Nadeem and is a Canadian immigrant and is a CPA and his EB3 petition is in retrogression.
    In recent times he started stereotyping immigrants and make every immigrant feel that they are breaking laws in some way or the other and became unpopular.
    He was not in support of IV and was under a strong feeling that a bunch of immigrants are wasting precious time and money. But now he seems to change his stance and has stepped into IV and has become a member. He is very helpful in terms of his skills and willingness to share his knowledge and help people.
    He does audit to a lot of h1b dependent employers and has direct influence and can strongly recommend them to contribute for this cause. Most of his analysis about patterns of visa distribution comee out as expected but in recent times there were instances where his analysis went wrong too.
    Overall he is definitely of great help if he wishes to dedicate some time of his to this cause and help in all ways possible.

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  • jgh_res
    05-17 10:01 AM
    Here is the link:


    Posted article is below. Refer to the highlighted section :

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's address from the Oval Office on border security and illegal immigration failed to satisfy either advocates of amnesty or those demanding that the government secure our borders and ports. Whether by design or not, however, the president did manage to advance public awareness of both crises.

    The president finally acknowledged the unsustainable social and economic burdens of permitting millions of illegal aliens to forge documents, pressure our public schools and hospitals, and overtax our local and state budgets.

    And the president, in asking for more border patrol officers and sending 6,000 National Guardsmen to our southern border to support the Border Patrol, also acknowledged the federal government's utter failure to protect the American people by securing our borders, across which as many as three million illegal aliens enter this country each year.

    President Bush's five-point plan began with the words, "First, the United States must secure its borders." But the president did not assign any urgency to the national task of doing so. Deploying as many as 6,000 members of the National Guard to help secure our broken border with Mexico is positive step.

    But the president's proposal to place those National Guardsmen in some sort of adjunct support role is peculiar at best, and without question, woefully inadequate. The president sounded as if he were trying to appease Mexico's President Vicente Fox, assuring him we would not militarize the border. If there is to be appeasement at all, that should fall to the Mexican government rather than President Bush.

    Not only are millions of illegal aliens entering the United States each year across that border, but so are illegal drugs. More cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana flood across the Mexican than from any other place, more than three decades into the war on drugs.

    President Bush and all the open borders advocates should be held to account for not doing everything in their power to destroy the drug traffic across our borders, as well as illegal immigration.

    If it is necessary to send 20,000 -- 30,000 National Guard troops to the border with Mexico to preserve our national sovereignty and protect the American people from rampant drug trafficking, illegal immigration and the threat of terrorists, than I cannot imagine why this president and this Congress would hesitate to do so.

    And how can this president and this Congress begin to rationalize placing immigration reform, which has been neglected since the last amnesty 20 years ago, ahead of national security and the safety of all Americans?

    President Bush went on to say that in order to secure our borders we must create a temporary guest worker program. What? Come again, Mr. President. The president knows better, and so do the American people. Control of our borders and ports is necessary to our national security and a temporary worker program is an exploitive luxury for corporate America.

    The president also said we need to hold employers who hire illegal aliens accountable, but he failed to say how. What should be the penalties for these illegal employers? How large a fine should they receive? How many years in jail for the executives of such companies?

    It would have been inspiring to hear the president say that he and his friend Vicente Fox had discussed illegal immigration and drug trafficking and reached an agreement that both our country's militaries would be used to create a joint border security force, one that working together would ensure the integrity of the Untied States/Mexico border.

    Wouldn't it have been nice as well for this president to suggest that the U.S. government would also take seriously its responsibilities to create a new and efficient immigration system to accommodate the backlog of millions of people trying to do the right thing? The same agency that would have to oversee Mr. Bush's amnesty program could not begin to do so because the Citizenship and Immigration Services already faces a backlog of millions of people who are trying to enter this country lawfully.

    Aside from the fact that both political parties are complicit with corporate America and special interests in placing so-called immigration reform ahead of border and port security speaks volumes about our elected officials' commitment to the national interest and the weight and influence of corporate America over both parties.

    Mr. President, I don't think the American people will tolerate this much longer.

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  • pd_recapturing
    08-22 04:16 PM
    i sent u a PM. Please respond, if u can.

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  • reno_john
    06-22 11:42 AM
    Due to time contraints doctor sent me for a chest x-ray and skipped the TB skin test. Chest x-ray came back negative. Question: Is a TB skin test required if a chest x-ray is negative? No remarks were made as to why TB skin test was not given. Should suggest, to a reasonable person, that no active TB is present

    U may get a RFE for TB skin test and skin test does not take more than 2 days.


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  • vnsriv
    08-14 04:17 PM
    Just now my lawyer called to tell that she got all my receipts , filed on july 2nd but my wifes application was rejected for "insufficient filing fees", I had put in a single check for $745 , how can this be, it was both in the same fedex packet, she says it is some "mailroom error", so she sent back the application with a letter and my receipt copy to accept. My app also had a $745 check and that was receipted,
    Has this happned to anyone, please respond , i am wondering if what my lawyer did was correct, pls share your experiences.

    I am assuming the check was given by you. Check the returned check if it has correct dates, amount and duly signed. Also, check if you had sufficient amount in your bank a/c at that time. There's no need to give separate checks for each. The total is correct. Your lawyer did correct step. Did you get any update from USCIS on the new package(call them). All the best. Your wife's case will be 100% accepted.

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  • gccovet
    09-24 04:15 PM
    Any thoughts

    is she the primary applicant on AOS? If so, to be safe, you may have her continue on H1 (provided employer is willing to file for H1B ac21 aka "transfer").
    If she is not prim. applicant and If the employer is not willing to shed the H1 "transfer" money, you may save money by using EAD.

    just my thoughts, check with attorney please.




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  • camberiu
    06-13 12:51 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I am on the EB3 category and have a PD of March 19, 2002. Also, I am from a non-retrogressed country (Brazil). Would any of the wise members of this forum be willing to estimate how much longer I'd have to wait until I am concurrent? Thanks in advance.

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  • marblerock
    06-11 12:32 PM
    Mr. Sanju,

    We are all aware of what going on at the Senate floor and also about the ammendments that put forth on the floor. So my question is clear anc simple what ammendment is supported by CORE IV and what are we looking for.
    Because the passing of the current version of the bill will effect all the old cases which many people are in and I wont allow that to happen. I will try my best to avoid this situation to happen. Even though i have a MAster in engineering I will not support SKIL progran that will void the previously pending cases. Good try core IV yto make member to work towards the betterment of few people You know what such people are called" SELFFISH". Guys beware on whaT ACTIONS YOU ARE DOING SO THAT YOU WONT REPENT.

    Please feel free to influence any bill any way you please. Seems like you are in cotrol of your destiny. When you point that SELFISH finger at the IV core, also look at the three fingers pointing back at you.

    The IV position on the pertinent amendments already discussed on the floor is on the the front page of the website.
    If your are privy to the amendments being negotiated behind the scenes, please be kind and share the information with us. None of us has any information on these and as such cannot take a position.

    In my opinion you are asking for it. If everyone was not fatigued from last week, your allegedly disappearing thread would be flaming out pretty fast.


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  • joeshmoe
    03-24 04:13 PM
    Thanks guys... I believe my experiences are "progressive" (whatever that means) in a sense that during 5 years of work I progressed accordignly and to the level that the job description / ad for my position would require BS plus 5 years of experience.

    What I don't get and was not quite sure about was the fact that 2 of those 5 years were during college. 5 years of experience is 5 years - I don't get why they would not like it. It is normal for people to work full time and go to college full time. When you get hired, if you have 5 years of full time experience, the prospective employer could not care less that 2 years of that were gained during last 2 years of college.

    Dunno ... with USCIS and their rules ...

    I asked my lawyer (duahhaaaa) and he said it's ok ... but I don't trust him.


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  • GotFreedom?
    07-22 05:38 PM
    Hi guys,

    I bet this question must have been asked before but I couldn't find the relevant thread so I'm asking again. Apologies if its a repeat.

    I am maintaining my H1-B while my AOS is pending. Last year my wife went to India while she had valid H4 (not stamped in passport) and AP documents. She did not get her visa stamped and reentered the country using the AP with no issues. He I-94 said Parolled till Some date, March 2009. I totally forgot about it and never renewed her AP or mine. Does it pose any kind of threat to her legal status in the US and AOS?

    I am still working on H1 and she is a parolee.

    Thanks in advance fopr the responses.


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  • Quotes And Sayings About Broken Hearts. Sayings For Broken Hearts. Sayings For Broken Hearts. Chip NoVaMac. Jan 13, 05:38 PM

  • deardar
    09-17 01:53 PM
    Dear folks,

    I tried to help your mission. I offered my talent, time, and my experience of delivering messages.
    Written to the forum and called in several times, was promised to get a call back.
    And was not contacted, nor called.

    And here is my message for you:
    You do not care about immigration reform - you care about your own green cards. You care ONLY about daisy consultants, such as yourselves, and you are not ready to address issues at large.
    You do not speak on behalf of me, nor you speak on behalf of the mainstream any employment based immigrant.

    Best of luck.

    Was there any specific information that you needed ?

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  • nousername
    04-07 01:48 PM
    Thanks for a quick explanation.. So basically we are hosed if we leave our employer on a bad note and he decides to use our labor for someone else.

    Follow up questions:

    1. If I understand this correctly then simply revoking the labor won't kill the I-485 application but the employer needs to substitute the original application for another employee.

    2. Also, by pre-July 2007 you mean people who filed their labor or I-485 before July 2007, or both?

    3. Will this affect people who applied (and approved) for their labor before July'07 but filed their I-485 during / after July'07 fiasco i.e. majority of IV members.

    4. If people in point # 3 are not affected then are they off the leash?


    In very basic terms.

    If you have left your employer after filing AC21(140 approved and 485 pending for 180 days), your employer then revoked your 140 and used the original labor to file 140 for another person(substitution). Another person has applied for 485.

    Then original applicant's 485 will be denied.....because AAO is saying One Labor can be used only for one Green Card....

    Mind you this is all relates to pre July 2007.


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  • Rakson
    03-01 12:25 PM
    Another front to think about :

    Recently I have heard that when the company publishes advertisement for the labor when filling for fresh PERM, every time there is a response coming back because of the higher rate of unemployment in the market. The issue is, if any response comes back then the company cannot proceed with the labor and new GC process gets hung.

    So, to be on safer side just check on ur skill set before resigning the current job as it should not be readily available in the market.

    You have added important point for consideration. Thanks!

    sayings for broken hearts. sayings for roken hearts.
  • sayings for roken hearts.

  • Suva
    04-17 02:43 PM
    hey dude there's nothing in the url u posted once go to the website and click the the pressure list url.that is the actual Noc codes that are active.Today morning when i spoke to the immigraton officer in alberta he was the one who told me ok.

    It was mentioned last month in the AINP website that some changes would be there in the NOC list after April 15. Everybody whoever followed this thread saw the message earlier. On April 15 they removed the message from AINP website and apparantly there was no change in NOC list till now. OP gave us correct information when he/she created this thread. See my post in April 15 in this thread and I mentioned that nothing was changed in NOC list. Again going back to my original question did you follow this thread from start? I objected to this comment "I donno why people place messages with Half Knowledge". Apparantly you had the half knowlodge about this whole issue.


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  • Siddharta
    09-26 04:41 PM
    If employer revokes I-140 (even after 180 days) and I-485 get denied, you lose your old PD. So it's not set in stone.

    Are you 100% sure about this.

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  • quotes about roken hearts.

  • tabletpc
    10-15 02:48 PM
    Considering the lowered cost of stock I am planning to gets my hands dirty in stock. But I don't have much knwoeldge about it. Also, by the time I find resouces to learn more about stock, the prices might ahve gone up.

    So can anyone provide good online tools to know more about investing on stocks and buying stocks online...



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  • shishya
    09-27 12:43 AM
    Am on H1B and have already applied for 485 (EB2 I May 2006). I am not sure if I am allowed to day trade in the current status. By day trading I mean not just investing in stocks and not just buying and selling stocks in a single day -- I am asking about making perhaps 10 trades in a day (5 rounds of buy, sell)? I understand IRS can call you out to be a full-time trader but the rules for this are not laid out clearly, as far as I can understand. Anyone out there with relevant links/personal experience on this one? Would really appreciate your feedback.


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  • raysaikat
    04-08 10:39 PM
    - Can you work for 2 employers at the same time while making the switch?

    -- Simple words. NO. If you want to be on the payroll of 2 full-time employers at the same time, unless otherwise it is mentioned so in LCA it's illegal.
    That does not stop you from holding approved H1b Petitions from 2 (or for that matter more than 2) employers at the same time. But you can only work for 1 employer.

    He can by using so-called concurrent H-1B's. There is an option in I-129 (Q. 2.d) to indicate that the new H-1B is concurrent.

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  • vinzak
    04-13 09:27 AM
    What exactly is the question?

    02-11 11:44 PM
    Still pending ..

    Initially filed in Texas and transfered to Vermont .
    Assigned to officer more that 60 days ago. :confused:

    I've contacted the congressmen. There are 200 odd cases at NSC still lying unprocessed with earlier PD and RD (than mine) while the cutoff dates move forward for EB2-I. Are they going process all others before mine?
    With this some lucky ones will get out and other unlucky ones will complain to the congressmen. Movements without clearing up the earlier cases will cause more problems.
    Btw, Chris, what is your status?

    04-18 07:09 AM

    04/18/2006: Bi-Specialization and Reshaping Service Centers Processing Times Report

    The bi-specialization initiative that went into effect on April 1, 2006 is expected to bring about the changes in the Service Centers processing times report. The latest reports have already reported the following two changes in I-140 petition processing times report:
    California Service Center ceased reporting I-140 processing times
    Nebraska Service Center I-140 petition processing times have jumped remarkably since the April 10, 2006 report as follows:
    04/10/2006 Report 04/15/2006 Report
    EB-1A 10/01/2005 03/01/2006
    EB-1B 11/12/2005 03/01/2006
    EB-1C 12/17/2005 03/15/2006
    EB-2 12/10/2005 12/15/2005
    NIW 12/10/2005 03/15/2006
    EB-3 10/16/2005 02/15/2006
    EB-3EW 01/15/2006 03/15/2006
    Schedule A 12/17/2005 02/01/2006

    Texas Service Center I-140 petition processing times was already January 2006 in April 10, 2006 Report. It is likely that TSC I-140 processing times may also reveal some changes in the next report.
    We will keep watching the development and effect of the bi-specialization program. The next review will focus on EB-485 processing patterns in these Service Centers. Please stay tuned to this web site.
    Speedy processing times will help some of the recent PERM application filers whose H-1B approaches the six-year limit and who cannot apply for extension of 7th-year extension of H-1B for failure to prove 365 days pending labor certification before reaching H-1B six year limit. Since the PERM applications are nowadays adjudicated in about three months and I-140 petition adjudication takes between two months and three months, they will be able to apply for three-year increment H-1B extension if their visa numbers are retrogressed. Late starters of PERM applications should consider two options to extend their H-1B extension beyond six years while they wait for the visa numbers: One is overseas trips and recapture of H-1B times abroad. The second is prompt processing of I-140 petitions and filing of three-year increment H-1B extensions.

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