03-01 06:19 PM
Look at what NumbersUSA has got to say about the effectiveness of its mass faxing/emailing strategy...
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST
Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.
With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.
But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:
"A handful of single-issue groups opposing
the guest-worker program have effectively
put the other side on the defensive since
President Bush first announced his intentions
to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
evidenced by the administration's backtracking
since Bush first proposed such a program in
January 2004.
"One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
registered activists throughout the country and
an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."
None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.
But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.
We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:
"The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
at this stage in the fight, with congressional
Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
off their conservative base during this critical
election year, but members will also have a hard
time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
labor and social groups with their own self-interested
Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.
Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.
What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.
Click here for actions to take.
Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.
The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.
Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.
Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.
-- ROY
If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:
"Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
and notifies subscribers in advance of any
important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
send an alert asking those supporters living in
states represented by members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
in anticipation of that markup.
"Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
uncommon experience for many members of the business
community because they do not regularly work on
such socially sensitive topics.
"We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."
* * * * *
"The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.
"With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.
"Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.
"It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.
"Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:
NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST
Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.
With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.
But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:
"A handful of single-issue groups opposing
the guest-worker program have effectively
put the other side on the defensive since
President Bush first announced his intentions
to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
evidenced by the administration's backtracking
since Bush first proposed such a program in
January 2004.
"One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
registered activists throughout the country and
an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."
None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.
But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.
We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:
"The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
at this stage in the fight, with congressional
Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
off their conservative base during this critical
election year, but members will also have a hard
time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
labor and social groups with their own self-interested
Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.
Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.
What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.
Click here for actions to take.
Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.
The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.
Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.
Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.
-- ROY
If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:
"Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
and notifies subscribers in advance of any
important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
send an alert asking those supporters living in
states represented by members of the Senate
Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
in anticipation of that markup.
"Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
uncommon experience for many members of the business
community because they do not regularly work on
such socially sensitive topics.
"We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."
* * * * *
"The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.
"With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.
"Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.
"It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.
"Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.
"Despite the breadth of interest groups
advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
offices is any indication."
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:
NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
wallpaper Short Love Quotes: Picture of
October 23rd, 2005, 08:59 AM
Hi Michael, nice shots. It's easy to see that you brought the discipline and hard work of your nature work to the studio. What was your lighting setup? Flash? strobes?...
Thanks, Kevin. I'm somewhat embarassed, as I did not use any lighting setup, so your attribution of hard work is, I fear, a little misplaced. I have this house with full floor-to-ceiling windows, and was using natural morning light, diffused by the fog that has hung over the bay for the last week in the AM. I used the camera's meter, either spot or center weighted, with manual bracketing when I thought that was insufficient, as was the case with the wreath & red roses.
...I would be interested in knowing the shooting parameters of these shots, what lenses used, etc...
I was using the 1DMII, and three lenses; the 50mm f/1.8, 100mm f/2.8 Macro, and my newly purchased 16-35mm f/2.8L. Most important was the Manfrotto tripod that allows nearly infinite positioning flexibility. As I said before, I made a cheesy PVC pipe frame and welders clips to hang backgrounds (<10 min fabrication time, <$10). All cases used low f stops, 2-6, & long exposures at low ISO for better quality. I was using the low f stops to help hide the imprefections in the background and give the soft focus effect the customer is looking for.
Good luck! I'm off to the Islands for a week.
I hope islands far from caribbean hurricanes!!
Thanks for the input, all. I suppose that I ought to look at getting some lights... Since I was using natural light, we (customer & I) didn't finish yesterday, and I will have to do the last pieces today (about 2 dozen total). That will also allow me to go over contact sheets with her.
Thanks, Kevin. I'm somewhat embarassed, as I did not use any lighting setup, so your attribution of hard work is, I fear, a little misplaced. I have this house with full floor-to-ceiling windows, and was using natural morning light, diffused by the fog that has hung over the bay for the last week in the AM. I used the camera's meter, either spot or center weighted, with manual bracketing when I thought that was insufficient, as was the case with the wreath & red roses.
...I would be interested in knowing the shooting parameters of these shots, what lenses used, etc...
I was using the 1DMII, and three lenses; the 50mm f/1.8, 100mm f/2.8 Macro, and my newly purchased 16-35mm f/2.8L. Most important was the Manfrotto tripod that allows nearly infinite positioning flexibility. As I said before, I made a cheesy PVC pipe frame and welders clips to hang backgrounds (<10 min fabrication time, <$10). All cases used low f stops, 2-6, & long exposures at low ISO for better quality. I was using the low f stops to help hide the imprefections in the background and give the soft focus effect the customer is looking for.
Good luck! I'm off to the Islands for a week.
I hope islands far from caribbean hurricanes!!
Thanks for the input, all. I suppose that I ought to look at getting some lights... Since I was using natural light, we (customer & I) didn't finish yesterday, and I will have to do the last pieces today (about 2 dozen total). That will also allow me to go over contact sheets with her.
07-17 08:42 PM
I think it is high time we need to set rules and roles for senior member alike - they are supposed to bring people to the group not the otherway around - We are setting a wrong precedence - A guy who has contributed more than you, can ask you to lay off ilikekilo, and that is not far away.
Anyways, Some of the members have become super stars by being here and wanting to do more so let seniors show the real attitude to freshmen.
Thanks for your understanding
so what is your point? ?
FYI ksirh its noth how much u contributed? its the way u ask! pl wake up
Anyways, Some of the members have become super stars by being here and wanting to do more so let seniors show the real attitude to freshmen.
Thanks for your understanding
so what is your point? ?
FYI ksirh its noth how much u contributed? its the way u ask! pl wake up
2011 Short funny sayings about
05-14 11:59 AM
Since your H-1B change of status is approved, you are in H-1B Status now. In order to continue working on H-1B status after overseas trip, you must enter USA using H-1B visa stamp. This may require you to apply and get new H-1B visa stamp.
Please consider getting professional advice from your attorney before making any travel plans and what visa to use for re-entering.
Not a legal advice.
US citizen of Indian origin
H-1B is approved from Oct/1/2009. Currently I should be on L-1B. As per this article, I think I can travel without jeopardizing my future status. They call it the 'Hernandez letter'. Is this true?
Please consider getting professional advice from your attorney before making any travel plans and what visa to use for re-entering.
Not a legal advice.
US citizen of Indian origin
H-1B is approved from Oct/1/2009. Currently I should be on L-1B. As per this article, I think I can travel without jeopardizing my future status. They call it the 'Hernandez letter'. Is this true?
07-13 11:59 AM
Dont know why...i was LOL after reading this post....
"we are highly skilled people. so we should wear business suit , it will give impact"
we are highly skilled people. so we should wear business suit , it will give impact.
"we are highly skilled people. so we should wear business suit , it will give impact"
we are highly skilled people. so we should wear business suit , it will give impact.
12-02 01:34 PM
Imagine if someone has a cancer and he goes to a doctor and doctor tries all kinds of medicines and it does not work. He does get some relief in the pain though. So do you think the patient should ask for refund for all the money spent?
Likewise broken immigration system needs to be fixed and everyone tried hard for one year. We did get some relief from our pain due to 2 year EAD and namechecks memo. But the cure/bill did not pass. So do you think it means we should ask for a refund? And do you think anyone will even talk to us in DC next time if we act so cheap for the $5s some of us paid.
Why dont you have the courage to ask your lawyer for a refund because you dont have a greencard yet. Can you do it? If not then I think it is irratational to even think about it?
You are right about doctor, patient... But I am not sure whether lobbyist did what they say they did. I am sure Core members are keeping track of their activities but zero output was quite disappointing. Some point of time it even makes me think that they were charging us for hours they spent in Starbucks.
Likewise broken immigration system needs to be fixed and everyone tried hard for one year. We did get some relief from our pain due to 2 year EAD and namechecks memo. But the cure/bill did not pass. So do you think it means we should ask for a refund? And do you think anyone will even talk to us in DC next time if we act so cheap for the $5s some of us paid.
Why dont you have the courage to ask your lawyer for a refund because you dont have a greencard yet. Can you do it? If not then I think it is irratational to even think about it?
You are right about doctor, patient... But I am not sure whether lobbyist did what they say they did. I am sure Core members are keeping track of their activities but zero output was quite disappointing. Some point of time it even makes me think that they were charging us for hours they spent in Starbucks.
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12-07 06:21 PM
Maybe the definition of project managers varies by company. Most PMs I know have maybe around 6-7 years of work experience and I definitely wouldn't classify them as executives or even say that their employment is in the National Interest.
However I do know of some cases where doctors have got NIW based on practicing in an under-served (rural?) area.
Is there a way to prove that one who created a suite of applications without which a business unit will stop functioning comes under National Interest?
Just a thought.
I think - the spirit of EB-1 (manager) has to do with having full managerial control over people (performance management, hiring/ firing/ compensation rather than just supervisory control) and/or a business portfolio (say - head of a business division)
but as someone pointed out - let lawyers figure out the best strategy for each case.......
However I do know of some cases where doctors have got NIW based on practicing in an under-served (rural?) area.
Is there a way to prove that one who created a suite of applications without which a business unit will stop functioning comes under National Interest?
Just a thought.
I think - the spirit of EB-1 (manager) has to do with having full managerial control over people (performance management, hiring/ firing/ compensation rather than just supervisory control) and/or a business portfolio (say - head of a business division)
but as someone pointed out - let lawyers figure out the best strategy for each case.......
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04-10 03:29 PM
163,000 applns for general and more than 31,200 applns for advanced degree.
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10-04 08:10 PM
1) Find employment in some company.. preferably a small one with india /overseas operations: - reason being they can send you to india / overseas and you can work from that country. Here also you will have a small problem.. you may have to switch to local payroll because your period will be greater than 6 months (i assume dec to oct 08)
2) Get a job in a non profit... im assuming this is hard.. if its been hard for you to get a job in 9 months after graduating, narrowing down the employers will only make it more difficult.
3)Enroll in some C grade school, where you pay less fees and then try again for h1b in 2008 quota but youwill have to be on F1 at least till then.
4) Dollar rate is less, India Inc is doing well.. forget this place and go home .. get a good job... think about coming back through consultant some other time
I know a lot of people who graduated in May 07 and are in this situation.. but you graduated in Dec 06 and should have been able to find a job in your field.
If you havent so far.. then i assume your field is not doing so well or there are better candidates available.. both of which make your job hunt harder.
If i may ask.. which university did you go to?
2) Get a job in a non profit... im assuming this is hard.. if its been hard for you to get a job in 9 months after graduating, narrowing down the employers will only make it more difficult.
3)Enroll in some C grade school, where you pay less fees and then try again for h1b in 2008 quota but youwill have to be on F1 at least till then.
4) Dollar rate is less, India Inc is doing well.. forget this place and go home .. get a good job... think about coming back through consultant some other time
I know a lot of people who graduated in May 07 and are in this situation.. but you graduated in Dec 06 and should have been able to find a job in your field.
If you havent so far.. then i assume your field is not doing so well or there are better candidates available.. both of which make your job hunt harder.
If i may ask.. which university did you go to?
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11-21 01:47 AM
Meridiani.planum.... Thanks for your reply....
Is the GC under EB-2 that quick? I wonder why my attorney didn't try to FIT me on EB-2... I'll definitely research my 'fitting' options as an EB-2.... now, do you know if are there hidden issues on getting a GC as an EB-2 rather than an EB-3? Or, Is a GC the same regardless the employment-based category?
There the 3 stages to the GC: PERM, I-140, i-485. PERM takes 3-4 months on an average. I-140 takes 6-12, and I-485 taeks about 6-8. So in general getting the GC can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years. HOWEVER other than USCIS delays in processing, there are two BIG catches:
- I-485 security/name check : this is an FBI background check where some percentage of people get stuck for years. Most people clear this within a month, but some unfortunate few get screwed.
- RETROGRESSION: To get the I-485 approval your priority date (the day you have filed your PERM) needs to be "current". Each month the Department of State publishes a "Visa Bulletin" indicating what dates are current. The latest bulletin is here:
Because of per-country quota's of visas, some countries are more backlogged than others. Actually only some countries have specific backlogs (India, china, mexico, philipinnes). Others are clubbed together into whats called Rest-Of-The-World (ROW) or "All Charge-ability Areas Except Those Listed".
As you can see in the bulletin for EB3-ROW they are currently assigning visa numbers to applications filed before September 2002. Meaning your 485 cannot be applied or approved until the date in the VB moves past your PERM filing date. EB2-ROW as you can see has a nice little "C" next to it. That means its "Current" meaning there is no backlog, meaning you can immediately file your 485, and if all goes well and 6 months later its still "C", you'll have your GC.
bottomline: for you moving from EB3 to EB2 changes your greencard processing time from say 7 years to 2 years.
Is the GC under EB-2 that quick? I wonder why my attorney didn't try to FIT me on EB-2... I'll definitely research my 'fitting' options as an EB-2.... now, do you know if are there hidden issues on getting a GC as an EB-2 rather than an EB-3? Or, Is a GC the same regardless the employment-based category?
There the 3 stages to the GC: PERM, I-140, i-485. PERM takes 3-4 months on an average. I-140 takes 6-12, and I-485 taeks about 6-8. So in general getting the GC can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years. HOWEVER other than USCIS delays in processing, there are two BIG catches:
- I-485 security/name check : this is an FBI background check where some percentage of people get stuck for years. Most people clear this within a month, but some unfortunate few get screwed.
- RETROGRESSION: To get the I-485 approval your priority date (the day you have filed your PERM) needs to be "current". Each month the Department of State publishes a "Visa Bulletin" indicating what dates are current. The latest bulletin is here:
Because of per-country quota's of visas, some countries are more backlogged than others. Actually only some countries have specific backlogs (India, china, mexico, philipinnes). Others are clubbed together into whats called Rest-Of-The-World (ROW) or "All Charge-ability Areas Except Those Listed".
As you can see in the bulletin for EB3-ROW they are currently assigning visa numbers to applications filed before September 2002. Meaning your 485 cannot be applied or approved until the date in the VB moves past your PERM filing date. EB2-ROW as you can see has a nice little "C" next to it. That means its "Current" meaning there is no backlog, meaning you can immediately file your 485, and if all goes well and 6 months later its still "C", you'll have your GC.
bottomline: for you moving from EB3 to EB2 changes your greencard processing time from say 7 years to 2 years.
08-29 10:28 PM
Hi frnds,
I used to work for a company A in california.. Boss is kind of using very bad language constantly and torchers almost everyday. Is there any1 who can help me out or has similar situations. Is there any1 that i can file a complain. Since he knew that I am on H1B and international student he was continuously abusing. any help would appreciated.
I used to work for a company A in california.. Boss is kind of using very bad language constantly and torchers almost everyday. Is there any1 who can help me out or has similar situations. Is there any1 that i can file a complain. Since he knew that I am on H1B and international student he was continuously abusing. any help would appreciated.
hot short funny quotes about love.
11-29 02:59 PM
1. Canadian Consulate General (payable to)
2. You can pay in both currencies (USD and CAD)
3. Yes, Buffalo
2. You can pay in both currencies (USD and CAD)
3. Yes, Buffalo
house Short funny sayings about
06-10 12:53 PM
I support this move. If it takes 10 years to get the GC after filing I-485, then we should get 10-year EAD/AP. Why should we pay every year throusands of dollar.
tattoo short funny quotes about love
08-18 05:12 PM
I faced this problem myself. My wife was on H1 earlier and she never worked for a period of 1 year. At the beginning of the H1 period, we are expecting a baby and we took easy about her doing any job (its my fault). Later, market turned worse, it became to hard for her and her employer look for projects for her.
So, I contacted a lawyer (he is great). He told me that her status is H1 even though she is not working and she has to get back to H4. He assured me that they will for my documents more than her's and we filed as such and we don't even have her pay stubs or W2 forms.
She got in 45 days period and last week she went for H4 stamping, showing my documents. Yesterday, she got her passport back with H4 stamp.
I faced this problem myself. My wife was on H1 earlier and she never worked for a period of 1 year. At the beginning of the H1 period, we are expecting a baby and we took easy about her doing any job (its my fault). Later, market turned worse, it became to hard for her and her employer look for projects for her.
So, I contacted a lawyer (he is great). He told me that her status is H1 even though she is not working and she has to get back to H4. He assured me that they will for my documents more than her's and we filed as such and we don't even have her pay stubs or W2 forms.
She got in 45 days period and last week she went for H4 stamping, showing my documents. Yesterday, she got her passport back with H4 stamp.
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06-10 05:39 PM
wow thats a news.. as your alias is "vivid" write something "different"(vividh) which we dun know.
USCIS tops any other US pubic office in these 3 qualities
1. Most greedy
2. Most arrogant
3. Most inefficient
Reason is simple, their customers are mostly non-US citizens. Their prime objective is to earn as much money as they can for the US treasury, if that means 'Screw Immigrants' than let it be, who cares ?
So any positive things like 10 years EAD/AP are dreams which will never come true...We should certainly put our case for 3 years EAD/AP combined document.
USCIS tops any other US pubic office in these 3 qualities
1. Most greedy
2. Most arrogant
3. Most inefficient
Reason is simple, their customers are mostly non-US citizens. Their prime objective is to earn as much money as they can for the US treasury, if that means 'Screw Immigrants' than let it be, who cares ?
So any positive things like 10 years EAD/AP are dreams which will never come true...We should certainly put our case for 3 years EAD/AP combined document.
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09-20 10:33 PM
What is GC?
What is it anyway?
If it is philosophical question, then it is something which takes away couple of years of life of some of those people born in India and China (wait and wait and wait and ...), who want to have it. In return it frees them from bond of slavery.
What is it anyway?
If it is philosophical question, then it is something which takes away couple of years of life of some of those people born in India and China (wait and wait and wait and ...), who want to have it. In return it frees them from bond of slavery.
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09-26 11:00 AM
ohhhh wow !! .. Man ...It not so easy as it looks on paper ...U will find tons of ppl in the stage of limbo after doing all this ... (including me though :(
My sincere advice, DO not even think about it ..
Hi pd_recapturing,
Can you please elaborate on your experience. This is an issue very close to my heart as well and possibly benefit lots of other folks on this forum.
I personally know a fried who in fact benefited from PD porting and got his GC sometime in 2007 beginning. He had a EB3 PD of 2001 which he used for his EB2 application with another employer.
My sincere advice, DO not even think about it ..
Hi pd_recapturing,
Can you please elaborate on your experience. This is an issue very close to my heart as well and possibly benefit lots of other folks on this forum.
I personally know a fried who in fact benefited from PD porting and got his GC sometime in 2007 beginning. He had a EB3 PD of 2001 which he used for his EB2 application with another employer.
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02-12 08:36 AM
My case was very similar in last November, I did call them many times...but same old answer. but in last month they told me they did not work on my case because my fiinger prints were expired. they expire every 15 months, and without valid FP , case even will not pass standard "filter" criteria, and they don't consider it "ready to approve"
Looks like you sent your 485 on Jul 2007, assume your first FP was done before Aug 2007? if yes, it's expired. By any chance, did you do your 2nd FP?
Just my 2 cents.!
Our cases are assigned to IO more that 60 days ago. No LUD's sofar.
Called VSC, One officer told me that they have thousands of cases pending. :confused:
Any one got GC recently and pending with IO more that 60 days ?
Appricaite comments and advice.
My case was very similar in last November, I did call them many times...but same old answer. but in last month they told me they did not work on my case because my fiinger prints were expired. they expire every 15 months, and without valid FP , case even will not pass standard "filter" criteria, and they don't consider it "ready to approve"
Looks like you sent your 485 on Jul 2007, assume your first FP was done before Aug 2007? if yes, it's expired. By any chance, did you do your 2nd FP?
Just my 2 cents.!
Our cases are assigned to IO more that 60 days ago. No LUD's sofar.
Called VSC, One officer told me that they have thousands of cases pending. :confused:
Any one got GC recently and pending with IO more that 60 days ?
Appricaite comments and advice.
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May 23rd, 2005, 04:37 AM
I love the color saturation on the first one. Very well done. My one complaint ( a small one) is that bright object in the grass a little above and to the right of the watermark. I don't know if it's a rock or a stump or what but I'd suggest cloning that out.
It'll distract those of us with "shiney-object syndrom" :D
It'll distract those of us with "shiney-object syndrom" :D
07-04 12:06 PM
"It's like living in a holding pattern continuously," said Swati Srivastava, 28, a member of Immigration Voice, a new grass-roots organization of skilled foreign workers pushing for immigration reform. The Internet-based group formed late last year and has about 5,000 members scattered around the country.
"We work in [the] U.S. legally in high-skilled jobs, but we still get penalized for playing by the rules," Immigration Voice co-founder Aman Kapoor said in an e-mail. "Since no one was working on our issues, we decided to organize.",1,1670817.story?page=2&cset=true&ctrack=1
"We work in [the] U.S. legally in high-skilled jobs, but we still get penalized for playing by the rules," Immigration Voice co-founder Aman Kapoor said in an e-mail. "Since no one was working on our issues, we decided to organize.",1,1670817.story?page=2&cset=true&ctrack=1
07-11 02:10 PM
My EAD and AP application was received June 19, 2009 at TSC. To my pleasant shocking & surprise USCIS approved mine and wife's application in 20 days and we received the card today.
We are happy with the speed and efficiency USCIS and wish they could do everything the same way. we received two year EAD but concerned as receiving a two year EAD indicates that it may take a while to get my PD (Dec 2005).
We are happy with the speed and efficiency USCIS and wish they could do everything the same way. we received two year EAD but concerned as receiving a two year EAD indicates that it may take a while to get my PD (Dec 2005).
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